R Core Team Shooter T-Shirts

Now you can have your very own, personalized R-Core shooter t-shirt!

Made from polyester, these sweat-proof t-shirts are made to order. Select your preferred color scheme and write your name on the back.

Many different color combinations to match YOUR style.

Make a statement!

Please note: T-Shirts are custom, made-to-order items and may take up to two weeks to be dispatched.

Medium size on 1.77cm/73kg (5’9″ and 160 pounds or 11.5 stones) “model”

Medium size on 1.77cm/73kg (5’9″ and 160 pounds or 11.5 stones) “model”

Now you can have your very own, personalized R-Core shooter t-shirt!

Made from polyester, these sweat-proof t-shirts are made to order. Select your preferred color scheme and write your name on the back.

Many different color combinations to match YOUR style.

Make a statement!

Please note: T-Shirts are custom, made-to-order items and may take up to two weeks to be dispatched.

Color Combinations

The haRd-Core

Full R-Core colours and a bright red so nobody ignores you!

The Boss Green

I created this color combo because I like green!

Raspberry Sensation

Sweet and sour, the design draws from fruit squished on your clothes!

Dish Sponge Combo

SpongeBob Squarepants would be proud of your choices!

Unicorn Poop outfit!

Love the unicorn poop color scheme? Well this is for you! Fabric weaved by unicorns, for unicorns!

Teal Late

Teal is a favorite colour among, well, nobody! But you can still have a t-shirt full of it!

yOuR ANGEr management

A Yellow with a bad temper, Orange hides many words like "Anger","Rage" "Gear" and "Range" in it. Coincidence? don't think so!


So fresh and cool, even amidst the mediterranean summers.
B.Y.O. paper straw!

Creeper Green

- Stay away!!

Bumble Bee

A stinging sensation, the Bumblebee Yellow scheme might be cuter than a wasp but it still stings! (and then it dies... ugh!)

Dory, the forgetful f...

...............................................wait, what ?

St. Paddy's outfit

This +4 charisma gear, is blessed only for the people of a small country up north! For the rest, it creates a rabid thirst for Guinness